Photo Organizing Services
Scanning and Editing


In this day and age, our photos are taken on digital cameras. This means, when it’s time to find a baby picture of your niece to post on her FB wall, it can be searched by date and located instantly! BUT what about all those years of printed photos? They are at risk of fading, peeling, creasing, yellowing, getting damaged by water, fire, bugs, or simply getting lost!
To ensure this never happens, we will SCAN your printed photos onto your choice of media (an external hard drive, DVD, or flash drive). Unlike bulk scanning services found at the mall, or online, we take great care in naming, tagging and organizing your photos into digital folders that match your printed photo categories.
Plus, we can EDIT your scanned photos as we go. We crop photos, adjust the brightness, contrast, highlights, shadowing and color, fix red eye, and in some cases, we can digitally restore partially damaged or ripped images. Scanning your printed photos allows you to protect them… improve them… organize them… and share them!
Click on the circles below that best describe your needs and learn about Simplify’s services.: