Bravo Business Achievement Awards
Congratulations winners! SmartCEO recognizes and celebrates 25 dynamic business women in Greater Baltimore through the 3rd Annual Bravo! Business Achievement Awards. These women encompass what is a key component of success: entrepreneurial spirit. The many nominations received in the process solidified the role of women in business, but more importantly, illuminated women who are walking the extra mile in their communities. What characteristics does a Bravo winner possess? She has overcome business obstackles, financially outperformed competitors, displayed leadership and work ethic in and beyond the workplace, has used her business to benefit comminity fundraising, or has done something unique that has inspired a great story to be told.
Amy Rehkemper, Owner, Simplify Organizing, LLC
One lesson that I have learned as a CEO is that change is and inevitable. When I began my business, I was happy to be a single-person company splitting my time working hands-on with clients and performing the administrative duties necessary to keeping the business afloat. Year after year, my business grew, and with each change I was forced to redefine my role. Now, after seven years, my primary responsibilities consisted of marketing the business and training my staff, entirely different tasks requiring largely different skills than when I first started. Initially, I struggled with this change. I had difficulty accepting that I would no longer do everything. In time I realized that growth and change are synonymous and if my company were to grow, I must embrace change. Learn to be flexible so that when change happens you can make the most of it.